Brookstone - O'Hare Airport - Chicago, IL

Brookstone O'Hare Airport Chicago, IL AJ Brown Imaging

Early this summer, I was contacted to photograph three Brookstone stores located in the Chicago O’Hare Airport. Over the years I’ve photographed my share of retail shoots, but never stores located in one of the busiest airports in the States; needless to say, I was intimidated. Questions looped through my brain: Will TSA have to search my gear? Will all the people walking by ruin shots? Will people know to stay clear of my lighting equipment?

Brookstone Airport AJ Brown Imaging

Thankfully, all my equipment passed through TSA without being flagged and most people were too busy trying to make connecting flights to bother with the random photographer taking pictures at Brookstone. After only fifteen minutes at the first store, I felt confident and at ease. My concern about the amount of people ended up being the most interesting part of the shoot; I had an unlimited resource of people to choose from and include in my shots!

These three images reveal the Brookstone pop-up store in Terminal 1.

Brookstone Terminal 1 AJ Brown Imaging